48 Hours in Indy

A few handfuls of hours between conferencing for work, I still found time to explore as always! When there’s a promise of a new place—any new place—I’m there, and I’ll make every moment count.

Knowing I wouldn’t have much free time, I stumbled upon little sparkling moments of escapism naturally in Indianapolis, IN (pictured below.) There’s something about doing that more and more lately in my life—loosening up my grip on it—that’s had a beautiful kind of payoff.

Here I share some thoughts that have rattled around in my mind lately and a poem about my shortest work trip of the year. This is a super different style than my other travel blog posts, which I love, another reminder we’re always evolving.

“Life’s winking an awful lot at me lately.”

Life’s winking an awful lot at me lately, patterns revealing themselves more. One missed opportunity leads to another (probably better) one, and leaning into uncertainty instead of shying away from it leaves a trail of goodness behind more often than the previously usual regret—happy little breadcrumbs.

This year was full of uncertainty like an unplanned for trip, challenging and exhausting more often than not, but it resulted in a healing and growth I wouldn’t have experienced otherwise. “Goodbyes” used to leave me empty. Change used to make me ache. I find myself with every passing day becoming grateful for change, for uncertainty—again, like an unplanned for trip.

In different conversations I find myself saying a new variation of the following: “I’m at a place in my life where I’m tired of standing in my own way. I want to take chances. Put myself out there.” It’s happening more and more. 26 years of patience in a variety of avenues will pay off. I feel it, I feel it, I feel it.

So many chances of uncertainty in 48 hours. So many affirmations in 48 hours. So many thoughts in 48 hours—and I welcomed them all, most with laughter.


48 hrs in Indy

only 48 hrs

yet something about you

felt cinematic—

then again, I am capable of


nearly anyplace

with this

wanderer’s heart

FRI, 10 Nov 2023